Real Estate Services

Unleash your potential through the power of advanced knowledge. Whether you’re looking for real estate broker information about commercial properties for sale, industrial properties for sale or rent, and residential properties for sale such as house and lot or lot only for sale in Cebu or anywhere in the Philippines, find the competitive edge you need with Land Asia.
Get a more complete picture of the market place by consulting our professional advisors of varied discipline — not just a listing of the properties for sale or lease. Delve into details like occupancy history, rental rates and key market information that may influence property value. Keep up on the latest trends, and make a lasting impression with finely-polished presentation materials. With this caliber of reliable, accurate and timely information directly at your fingertips, the competitive edge is yours. Our valuable real estate information services empower you to do the following:
- Quickly match your criteria to find properties for sale or lease in the Philippines
- Analyze market conditions and set winning property positions in the Philippines
- Stay on top of the market with late-breaking news
- Verify sales information on properties sold in major Philippine markets
- Reduce risk by getting more accurate value on commercial real estate transactions
- Reach top brokers in the digital market place with property listings
- Gain high market exposure every month with premium banner ads
- Produce highly professional sales presentations and customized reports
- Convince prospects that you know and understand the market
- Save time and money for yourself and your clients
Discover the wealth of knowledge available through Land Asia, the number one provider of commercial real estate information. Whether you are looking for valuable commercial property sales, for-lease listings or analytic market research to better serve your clients.